I offer a variety of services, supporting people from diverse walks of life and cultural backgrounds.

With a focus on building a trusting relationship with my clients, I aim to understand complex beings shaped by their life experiences. Additionally, I am committed to working with people across a range of cultural backgrounds, LGTBIQ people and other minority groups.

Employing various evidence-based therapeutic modalities in my work, including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy, Psychoanalytic Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I provide individual therapy for adults and couples.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

A key revelation of psychoanalysis, formulated most famously by Sigmund Freud, is that as well as possessing a conscious and rational thought process in the psyche, humans also possess an unconscious part of themselves that plays a very significant role in shaping who they are, how they feel and how they behave. This insight has been able to explain why it is that as people, we often find ourselves so perplexing! 

For example, a client may come and share with me the fact that they are anxious at work in the face of a disrespectful colleague or manager. They seek help knowing what they should do to manage this. This aspect of their experience represents the conscious and rational part of themselves which provides explanations and seeks solutions. 

I might then ask them how they feel towards the person who is mistreating them, and they may look at me as if confused by the question. “I don’t like it,” they may reply. Probing further I may ask “Yes, but how do you feel?”. “Well, angry I suppose”, they may say, “but I don’t want to be an angry person so I don’t want to feel that way!” 

This second part of the experience begins to point to the client’s unconscious - that is, their implicit relationship with hostile emotions, and specifically, what they learned as children about anger. In this example, what has been learned is that to feel angry immediately makes you an angry person

In helping a client such as this bring up unconscious anger, it is often possible to help relieve the “symptom” of anxiety. Instead of anxiety, the client can now also feel a true and present emotion, and begin to consider what their boundaries of self-respect at work may be, rather than trying to find a “solution” to the problem. In this way, they can really be more fully themselves. 

In this way, we can work together to help you understand yourself more fully and begin to feel more integrated as a person.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a specialised form of psychotherapy that was originally developed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It has since been used to treat a range of psychological issues and distressing experiences beyond PTSD.

Through an eight-phase process, it guides individuals in processing traumatic memories and emotions. The core of EMDR involves bilateral stimulation—horizontal eye movements, auditory tones, or tactile sensations—to simulate REM sleep processing, aiding memory consolidation.

This therapy focuses on releasing "stuck" traumatic memories in the brain and curbing emotional distress. Incorporating bilateral stimulation during memory recall, aims to diminish emotional intensity, encouraging adaptive processing and resolution. EMDR's approach can offer healing beyond PTSD.

 “We all appreciate being heard and understood, but also helped in a real and practical way, through exploring a different path forward.

My mission is to engage people at their own unique level as people, and challenge them to be their best selves, or perhaps, their real selves.”


Take the First Step

If you're seeking a nurturing space to foster personal growth
and embark on a journey of self-discovery, I encourage you to get in touch.

I'm here to support you.

An illustrated blue folk flower, with a red centre, compass pointing inwards towards self reflection.